Wednesday's class was fantastic! We made silk screens, created our own photo resists, created photo transfers, worked with Gel Medium for ink transfer, and finally focused on direct painting with Enamels! The workshop, which was a consolidated version of our regular class gave everyone a taste of print making techniques and provided all the students with a sample of each type to take home. There sure was a lot to cover in a short period of time, but we did it and still managed to laugh!
A big thanks to Gary M. for his awesome seafood gumbo and homemade cornbread for lunch! It was truly a southern treat!
Here are some pictures to give ya'll a feel for the whirlwind that was our day!
This is a combination of silk screened and photo resist samples.
There's even a photo transfer with some overlaid enamel! |
More overlaid enamels! |
Here's the gel medium transfers, and the photo transfers. |
My sample of a silk screen thumb print under a photo resist figure. |
This is a thick block that has photo resist works inside and an enamel painting on top.
This is in the kiln now! (I'll post a finished picture when it's complete.) |
Here's my painted enamels overtop of a gel medium transfer background. |
Here's part of the group dry filling their blasted resists! |
Join us for the next one of these workshops in October! Here's a few sample photo's.....
Beautiful work and nice technique!