Wednesday, January 25, 2012

More vases for City Year!

Yesterday I was in the studio smashing up the next batch of 25 pounds of glass for the City Year Vase project. We pulled out the cobalt blue discs and in comparison to the turquoise ones they really do stand out. I was concerned that they would just be too inky blue and not stand out from the others. No worries here! They turned out great! 

Judy and Rene helped me vacuum out the kiln and smash the glass. While we did that we had a "mothers of wayward children" chat, commiserating over how tough it is to be a mom, do the right stuff for your kids, and watch as they make mistakes you want to protect them from. I am so lucky to be surrounded by wonderful, strong, like minded women, with whom I can feel completely myself. 

Comparing the turquoise discs to the cobalt ones!

25 pounds of cobalts!

Beautiful greens!
In keeping with the other posts about this project, here's a list of the colors included in the green discs; 1417-emerald green, 1101.31 clear irid, 1847-spruce green, 1126-spring green, 1426-chartreuse irid, 1107-light green, 1207-pine green. (I hope I didn't forget a number.)

I started to smash up the 25 pounds of red glass yesterday. We used; 1122.31-red irid, 1322-garnet, 1101.31-clear irid, #? fuschia, and 1025-red-orange. Red is always a challenge in casting because it wants to opacify at higher temps. So the key on the red discs will be to stay as low on the temp as possible, but still not hold it too long. HMMMM? Looks like I'll be adjusting the firing schedule.

Also....I'm finishing up a vessel sink job!  Pretty great, huh? Today I'll be cold working this puppy!
Hendricks Residence Vessel Sink

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